Saturday, August 16, 2008

Through the eyes of a child...

Let me introduce my best girlfriend's son, Ian. He really IS all boy... but he's sure drawn to this SU stuff!!! As soon as he sees Mommy heading towards her SU stash he's running after her so he can get his hands in the drawer to play with fun looking things! And this past week was so no exception...
Auntie Lori (that would be ME, folks) drove up to visit and of course had to bring along the new Fall/Winter 2008 SU catalog... as you can see, Ian found it entertaining as well!
Well, don't tell Daddy Ian was flipping through the pages - because he'll say he needs to go
balance out the influence with some father/son time in Home Depot !!! Hysterical, eh?!
And that last pic?! Kills me! That's the EXACT SAME look I had on my face for the first hour while I was flipping through this new catalog!
- Auntie Lori...

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