Thursday, July 2, 2009

TOOL: In-Color combo chart for 2009-2010 In Colors

I love this time of year... it's almost like Christmas! The SU Home Office posts up all sorts of new tools for us to share with our valued supporters. Here is one of my favs...

As you know, SU comes out with a new line of colors... kind of "this seasons" favs... they run for the length of the catalog and then we wait for a new set of colors. What fun to play with ...

New colors this year...

The link below will provide you with lots of ideas for color combinations between the In-Colors and the regular color families: Soft Subtles, Earth Elements, Rich Regals and Bold Brights. Have fun making up come of your own, as well!

Link: In-Color combo chart

(this link is also posted to the left for future reference)

1 comment:

Kay said...

Hey, this is a very cool tool! Thanks!